We decarbonize the atmosphere.

We build pyrolysis plants at industrial scale.

We enhance your soil quality through biochar.

We generate credits for your decarbonization strategy.
We enable atmospheric carbon reduction through innovative technology, generating clean energy, biochar and carbon removal at industrial scale.

What we face
Climate change, caused by climate-altering substances, places every-body, regardless of geographical location, to extreme risk.
The livelihood of our planet is at risk, and so are the lives of future generations.
Biochar-enriched soil is our insurance for future generations.
What we must achieve
To avoid the most dangerous and catastrophic consequences of climate change we must achieve a net-zero world as quick as possible.
Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) is the only novel CDR* technology consistently delivered to date.
*Carbon Dioxide Removal

Circular Carbon
We founded Circular Carbon in 2018. We design, develop and operate pyrolysis plants for the production of biochar. This technology transforms waste for use in a circular economy approach. In addition, the carbonisation process generates renewable energy. In Hamburg, we have built the largest carbonisation plant in Germany.
econnext AG
We are a member of the econnext Group, a sustainability holding and our partner for delivering on our shared mission to advance the circular economy.

Get in touch with the experts!

Matthias Roller
Expert for biochar for animal products and fertilizer.

Mike Richter
Expert for biochar for substrates and materials.

We build pyrolysis plants at industrial scale.

Nature’s sponge for water and nutrients.

Achieving net-zero with CO2 certificates.

Renewable energy, a by-product of biochar.